Work with your suppliers on one platform.

Track orders, inventory, prices, lead times, or any other type of information in real-time with an online collaboration tool your suppliers will love.

Ravacan Schema
AI Powered

Spreadsheets 2.0

This is your familiar spreadsheet, enhanced with integrations and collaboration. Connect it with your other systems and tag your suppliers and co-workers on specific items to get updates directly from them. With an always-current, shared source of truth, your reports are always ready to be analyzed and shared with your management.

Connect with teams already on Ravacan

Step #1: Easy start

Choose a template

Our procurement experts have built templates for your most common use cases. Start with the one that best fits your needs. This is just a starting point; then, you can customize it to fit your exact process and requirements. You can use as many templates as you'd like to speed up reporting and your work.

Step #2: Time to customize

Make it your own

Add columns to capture and visualize all the info you need. Track progress, and updates, add text, numbers, files, pictures, and more. Create views to customize what you want to share with your suppliers or executive team.

Step #3: Get to work with your suppliers

Collaborate with ease

Ravacan makes it easy to share data with your partners. Say goodbye to long and asynchronous email threads with captive data in attachments that need to be consolidated. With Ravacan, you can continue to use your master spreadsheet and efficiently and securely manage access and collaborate in real-time with your suppliers and CMs on one interface.

Step #4: Enjoy instant reports

Speed up reporting

Your QBR reports in seconds.
Boost productivity with dashboards that give you what you need, whether tier-one or tier-two spend, timelines, price lists, or more. It’s all about having digestible strategic data at your fingertips.

“The metrics package keeps us focused on the right strategic goals.”

Mike Maloney | Molekule

“Easy to use and very intuitive system.”

Blow Molding Supplier

“It's a convenient tool I can use for pricing check and BOM reconciliation”

Lynn Lai | Inventec Appliances Corp

“Ravacan is easy-to-use and has made our Supply chain team much more effective at controlling costs”

Mike Maloney | Molekule

AI Powered


Harvest the power of Artificial Intelligence

Leverage state-of-the-art algorithms that produce actionable insights and help you answer critical questions about your strategy. Make use of proactive recommendations that improve your bottom line without spending time and resources on complex data analysis of your own.

Annual Savings


Faster Budgeting


Productivity Increase


Mike Maloney

“RAVACAN is helping Molekule to efficiently scale our Supplier Sourcing team and reduce product costs. Through RAVACAN’s dashboard, we can increase focus on the strategic sources and balance our own resources and improve sourcing metrics.”

Mike Maloney

Global Supply Manager



Ravacan works with your current systems

Ravacan easily integrates with many popular third-party tools for a better usage-based billing experience.

Product Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle

Coming soon


Request integrations

If there is a third-party tool that you are excited about, drop us a note!

Plan, track, and collaborate

Your supply chain data — in one tool.