Price & Lead Time Updates

Leave dummy tasks to the robots. With Ravacan, no need to send individual emails to your suppliers to get price and lead-time updates.

Get the latest updates from your suppliers

Imagine your master spreadsheet updating itself with live data from your suppliers. In Ravacan, you can recreate your spreadsheet, control who sees what, and get real-time updates from suppliers on prices, Minimum Order Quantities, Lead Times, etc.

Strategic Procurement

With more time to analyze the data, you can be more strategic about your purchase and supplier allocation. Real-time insights help you deliver cost savings, secure supply, and capture innovation.

Delegate dummy work with automation

Leave time-consuming tasks to the robots. Instead of sending manual emails to each supplier, you can configure personalized and automated reminders and alerts.

More secure than email

Ravacan is more secure than email. An email attachment can be forwarded to anybody unscrupulous. In Ravacan, however, you control who has access to your boards. Collaborators need to ask permission to share with new users. Besides, you can review a log or history of all changes made to your table.

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All your work — in one tool.